Monday, September 24, 2007

Scholarly News

So today was my first day of induction week. I met with all the other Historical Studies students, and we received various information about our degrees. The guy who is head of the British history students seems pretty young and really cool. We also took a tour of the university, and there are a couple of cool museums on campus. Of course, as a group, we stopped in the student union for a pint before meeting with our respective advisors. Pretty sweet. So I am now all excited about the school part which is cool. The University of Newcastle is recognized as one of the top twenty research universities in Britain, so I am in a good place! My thesis only has to be 50 pages, which is really nothing, so that's good news. I also met a couple students in my program from the US. One guy is from Peoria, AZ and went to ASU! Another girl is from New Jersey, and a guy from Georgia. The rest of the students are mostly British, a good amount even coming from the Newcastle area.

I also received my new bed today, and the sheet fits!!! Sorry about going on about it, but for me it is quite exciting. However, I have been bothered by a large clicking noise that seems to be coming from the heater at the head of my bed. I noticed the first two mornings it lasted for about an hour from 7-8. But last night, it happened from about 10 until at least 1 when I finally fell asleep! And then started up again this morning at 7. I am hoping that I will get used to it, because I would really like to sleep through the night. I might also be a little bit jet-lagged still. I will probably move the head of my bed away from the heater, but a few locals have told me come winter time, I will be hugging the heater! That isn't too encouraging :)

Well I am off to dinner with some friends. Tomorrow I have more induction week stuff, and hopefully I will have time for a bank account and phone. I also meet with my advisor, which I am excited about, to discuss my path here at Newcastle! Ta-ta for now!


Jason Rohrblogger said...

I am LOVING this blog! Thanks for posting everyday...

You are awesome.

Unknown said...

It is so fun to read this stuff. Miss you so much. Cant wait to read more!